Crossover My Song

Crossover My Song
Length: 70’
13 Episodes
Type: Music/Variety Show
Year: 2017

“Crossover My Song” is the first TV show that combines comedians and musicians, having them perform musical comedy together, creating a brand-new kind of crossover TV shows. The show invites some of the best musicians and comedians and build up the most creative teams that will blow away your minds. It’s a variety show with fashion. Host: Yang Tsao. Guests: Yu-Gang Li, Zun Huo, Hai-Quan Hu, Xiao-Ou Zhou, Quan Dai, Ding-Ding Sa, Shao-Han Chang, Guo-Qing Tsai, Shi-Tou
Catalogue updated by 13 Apr., 2021. Still have lots of premium content.Welcome to contact us via +886-2-3765-2310